Rubinald Pronk and Drew Jacoby

Rubinald Pronk and Drew Jacoby photo 0 Info

Rubin, Pronk, and Drew Jacoby formed a partnership in 2007 and have been performing independently of a full-time company since then. The duo’s work has won acclaim from both audiences and critics. Rubin, Pronk, and Drew Jacoby have received the highest accolades from the American Dance Festival, the New York City Ballet, and the Washington, D.C. Theater Critics Circle.

Rubin and Pronk

The duo of Rubinald Pronk and Drew Jacoby is the picture of perfection. They move together with uncanny grace, and their technical symmetry makes their dances infinitely captivating. Both performers have toured the world with their duets and have put together a show showcasing three works. One, choreographed by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, is their first significant piece. The duo also performs Leo Mujic’s B Sonata and Lightfoot Leon’s One.

The duo, consisting of both dancers and choreographers, is a combination of physicality and artistic talent. Drew Jacoby is a 5’11” dancer, while Rubinald Pronk is 6’2″. Their combined height, muscularity, and menacing energy make their dancing hypnotizing. Rubin, Pronk, and Drew Jacoby are incredibly talented and have an exciting future in dance.

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In addition to their work with Complexions, both choreographers have had solo careers. Pronk trained at the Royal Conservatory of Ballet and joined the Dutch National Ballet as a soloist at 16. He also performed works by George Balanchine, Martha Graham, and William Forsythe. He has since been a member of Complexions. Drew Jacoby has also danced with the Norwegian National Ballet and Teatro Massimo.

Jacoby began her professional career at age 17, dancing with Lines Ballet in San Francisco. The company’s director, Alonzo King, created many original works based on Jacoby. Jacoby made her first appearance at Jacob’s Pillow in 2002 and returned in 2005. In 2005, she danced with Complexions for a brief period. During that time, she was also awarded the Princess Grace Award. She has danced in works by George Balanchine, Sir Kenneth MacMillan, William Forsythe, and Mia Michaels.

In 2010, the duo formed a touring company and began performing at international festivals. The company’s repertoire includes Hans van Manen’s pas de deux and Christopher Wheeldon’s Rhapsody Fantaisie. They also appear at the Jacoby Pillow Dance Festival. These two international stars have performed at Jacob’s Pillow and several other venues. Their unique style is causing a stir wherever they serve, and this is no exception.

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In addition to Jacoby and Pronk, the cast includes David Hallberg of the American Ballet Theatre and Shirley Esseboom, a former member of the Nederlands Dans Theater. Other notable performers include Leo Mujic, a dancer and choreographer, and Victor Mateos Arellano of the Dresden SemperOper Ballet. The pair are the ultimate poster couple.

Another highlight of the show was a dazzling solo by Rubinald Pronk, choreographed by Ochoa. Pronk’s performance is a triumph of hyper agility. As he dances with a red rose in his mouth, he weaves his body through long undulations while articulating every nuance. The dancers’ endless high-back postures reminded me of Odette.

Alongside Drew Jacoby, Lauri Stallings is another rising star of contemporary dance. A former Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Stallings was named on Dance Magazine’s “25 to Watch” list in 2007 and has since won several commissions from the American Ballet Theatre and the Juilliard School. She will perform a world premiere duet called Two, set to Max Richter’s “Falling Shadows (3).”

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