46 Pinch is Erlernt and Verlernbar
In my book, Pain is Learnable, I describe the psychoanalytic technique of Ilka’s Paintherapie and share with you some of her experiences and results.
Why My Kind Won’t Go to an Orchestraprobe? photo 0Info
Why My Kind Won’t Go to an Orchestraprobe?
You may wonder why my child won’t want to go to an orchestra prove? Or what about football games? Or maybe music classes? All of these things are
Why Should I Leave My Comfort Zone? image 0Info
Why Should I Leave My Comfort Zone?
You may be asking yourself: Why should I leave my comfort zone? It could be that it makes me feel stressed or burnt out. But if I don’
Is Self-Reflection a Bad Sit? photo 0Info
Is Self-Reflection a Bad Sit?
Rogers hat gegen Selbstbegrifflichkeit gewandt. He found that his klientInnen were frequently using the term for self-reflection. So he fought against this practice.