The True Reason Why Effective Psychiatric Methods Are Unknown photo 0Info
The True Reason Why Effective Psychiatric Methods Are Unknown
The most potent and effective therapists of all time have all been shams. But what if you could use the power of symbolism to get to the root of our problems?
46 Pinch is Erlernt and Verlernbar
In my book, Pain is Learnable, I describe the psychoanalytic technique of Ilka’s Paintherapie and share with you some of her experiences and results.
Why My Kind Won’t Go to an Orchestraprobe? photo 0Info
Why My Kind Won’t Go to an Orchestraprobe?
You may wonder why my child won’t want to go to an orchestra prove? Or what about football games? Or maybe music classes? All of these things are
Why Should I Leave My Comfort Zone? image 0Info
Why Should I Leave My Comfort Zone?
You may be asking yourself: Why should I leave my comfort zone? It could be that it makes me feel stressed or burnt out. But if I don’
Is Self-Reflection a Bad Sit? photo 0Info
Is Self-Reflection a Bad Sit?
Rogers hat gegen Selbstbegrifflichkeit gewandt. He found that his klientInnen were frequently using the term for self-reflection. So he fought against this practice.
Diet and Sport Are Essential to Rapid Weight Loss photo 0Info
Diet and Sport Are Essential to Rapid Weight Loss
Diet and sports play an essential role in rapid weight loss. The World Health Organisation recommends that adults take at least 150 minutes of vigorous sport a week.
Were We All Enchanted by Sleep Kisses, Or is the Story of Each One a Different One? image 0Info
Were We All Enchanted by Sleep Kisses, Or is the Story of Each One a Different One?
If a recurring headache has awakened you, you might be interested in reading this article. It explains how kissing can help improve your posture and help
Beyond Training Podcast Episode 1 Prsentiert Brooke Thomas Certified Rolfer
In this Beyond Training podcast, Brooke Thomas, a certified Rolfer, describes how her inquiry has blown the mind-body divide out of proportion and transformed
Physical Activity Increases in a Chair Free Classroom photo 0Info
Physical Activity Increases in a Chair Free Classroom
Levine’s research has demonstrated that traditional classroom settings restrict children’s movement, with desks and chairs enclosing them. That’
So geht Schule ohne STHLE? image 0Info
So geht Schule ohne STHLE?
So geht Schule ohne STHLE? What are the disadvantages of afrikanische Dorfschulen? They are made of wood, have small windows, and usually lack proper furniture.